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Does God exists?

Does God exists? YES! The existence of God is beyond any doubt and question. But how to make our scientific and logical mind ...

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

what makes you believe in God?

What's make you




As far as i am concerned it is the culture of my country "INDIA", which has educated me from the beginning of my life about God.
Existence of God was never a doubt for me.
But as i grew i too had many questions in life which were not authoritatively and scientifically answered, like:
  1. why do people cheat and lie.
  2. why i am separated from God
  3. why bad things are happening in my life
  4. why do we all suffer
  5. how can i meet God,
and many such unanswered questions.
From my side i tried to seek the answers for all those questions, but was never satisfied.
Later when i came in touch with teachings of ,HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, his presentation of God was very authoritative and scientific.
He quotes various vedic scriptures and presents God beyond belief, as a core reality.
It is explained in the holy texts of Srimad Bhagavad Gita 16:23,by Krishna Himself:
yaù çästra-vidhim utsåjya
vartate käma-kärataù
na sa siddhim aväpnoti
na sukhaà na paräà gatim
But he who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.
Therefore we must have faith and follow the vedic texts and on its authority accept the God's existence as a reality, beyond belief.

When we look around us, such a beautiful nature, then it's natural to think  about its creator.
Is there anything that exists without its cause?

Have you seen any beautiful painting, suddenly or accidentally, appearing on it's own, without a painter?
Actually to accept God's existence  is common sense and to deny is nonsense.
As you start accepting and following God Authoritatively then you will see His reciprocation in every moment of your life.
We must have faith in the scriptural injunctions and preceptors like Jesus , Muhammad , Ramanujacharya ,Madhvacharya , Caitanya Mahaprabhu , Srila Prahupada etc etc.
Follow their teachings sincerely , then God as a reality with manifest in front of you.
Hope this answers your question.
Thank you for reading.
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Disclaimer: The Author makes an attempts to answer the questions based on ancient Vedic texts. He do not have any personal intention of criticizing, blaming, insulting, any individual,organization,sects.,cult,religion,cast,creed,or nation etc.

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