This is very interesting question and most of you will be interested in knowing the answer.
Why we need GOD?
There is something called "Karma theory", which means that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction".
Whatever we are facing in our lives, is due to our past good or bad activities.
Therefore if everything is based on our "KARMA" , then what is the role of GOD in our lives?
If i do good i will get good and if i do bad i will get bad.
Then why should i depend and believe in GOD?
If i can earn my own earnings and fulfill all desires on my own strength then what is necessity of praying to GOD ?
The general misunderstanding is that, we take GOD as our order supplier.
We think whenever we are in need of something He will supply us according to our order.
At this point one thing we must understand that GOD is not our order supplier but He is the ORDER giver ,but directly or indirectly we are depended on GOD for the fulfillment of all our desires.
The results of all our karmas or actions are sanctioned by the GOD.But it doesn't mean that He is responsible for all our sufferings, No! it's our own act, but the results are ordered and supplied by the GOD ,through His various agencies.
The necessity of GOD arises when one decides to become free from KARMA and its reactions.
Because the karma and it's reactions keep binding us in this material existence.
Material existence broadly means struggle for eating , sleeping , mating and defending.
Once we decide to become free from the bondage of this material existence, then the necessity of GOD arises because only He can FREE us ,as it is confirmed by Lord Sri Krishna in holy book Srimad Bhagavad Gita 7:14
mama mäyä duratyayä
mäm eva ye prapadyante
mäyäm etäà taranti te
This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.
Therefore to become eternally free from the cruel clutches of repeated birth and death and the material struggles in between them ,one must take shelter and surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna,who can help us in crossing over the ocean of material existence which constitutes repeated birth and death, as it is confirmed in the above quoted verse.
This is the need and benefit of surrendering unto GOD.
Otherwise one can go on performing actions and enjoy or suffer it's results,( which are also sanctioned by God), in the ocean of repeated birth and death without any clue or hope of becoming free from it.
Thank you.
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Disclaimer: The Author makes an attempts to answer the questions based on ancient Vedic texts. He do not have any personal intention of criticizing, blaming, insulting, any individual,organization,s ects.,cult,religion,cast, creed,or nation etc.
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