Why hasn't science disproved the existence of the soul yet?
Material Science and Materialistic Scientists are very Limited in their KNOWLEDGE.
Instead of disproving subtle SOUL"s existence which is impossible , They are very much busy in proving that gross MATTER is all in all.
The more people get convinced about MATTER,that much they will doubt, question and deny about the existence of SOUL.
Therefore instead of directly disproving the existence of soul they are VERY much busy in proving our existence in and as MATTER.
That's why they think and teach that "WE ARE THESE BODIES".Which scientifically means "I am EARTH, AIR, WATER, FIRE, AND SPACE", ALSO we see all around us everywhere in the nature we find these 5 basic elements.Everything around us is permutation and combination of these 5 elements.
Simply by proving That only MATTER is all around, they want to indirectly disprove the existence of soul, which is very SUBTLE in its ORIGIN and beyond their capacity to know it GROSSLY.
The more we Accept and Depend on MATTER, that much we will Neglect and Forget SOUL.
But the reality is that this COSMIC MANIFESTATION is a combination of both "SPIRIT(soul) and MATTER".
And that is the difference between a living and non-living objects.
Take for Example:
A flying Aircraft and a lying Aircraft.
What is the difference between them?
both are matter........MANUFACTURE D out of same metal...by same company.....of same capacity......everything same..................... .......................th en why one is in MOTION while another STATIONARY ?
The simple and common sense reason is : presence of PILOT
The presence of living force made one to FLY and the absence of living force made another LAY.
The presence of living force make one to LIVE and the absence of living force make another DIE.
And that living force is SOUL
Therefore we are not just BODIES of DEAD MATTER but a CONSCIOUS LIVING FORCE known as SOUL or ATMA in that BODY.
Exactly as the pilot was the cause for putting aircraft into MOTION, similarly the SPIRIT SOUL is the cause for this bodily development and movement.
In simple sense " I AM NOT THE AIRCRAFT ,BUT PILOT", similarly we have to come to the point of realization that " I AM NOT THIS BODY,BUT SOUL".
The more we keep ourselves in the darkness of MATTER that much we will experience all kinds of miseries AND SUFFERINGS including DEATH ,without any CLUE for permanent solutions.
Human life is meant to raise our CONSCIOUSNESS from "I AM MATTER" to "I AM SPIRIT", FROM " I AM BODY to I AM SOUL".
Therefore A lot of HARD WORK is needed in educating and training every single individual of this world to realise that "I AM NOT BODY" but "I AM SPIRIT SOUL".
This realization is called SELF REALIZATION.
Once we become SELF REALIZED then automatically we can overcome all kinds miseries and sufferings including death.
Therefore this must be the only GOAL-AIM of our life---to become SELF REALIZED.
In conclusion, SOUL being very minute in its dimension and SUBTLE in its nature is outside the purview of modern scientist, their experiments and apparatuses.
Therefore they deny its existence and consider MATTER as all in all.
Thank you.
Disclaimer: The Author makes an attempts to answer the questions based on ancient vedic texts.He do not have any personal intention of criticizing, blaming, insulting, any individual,organization,sects.,cult,religion,cast,creed,or nation etc
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